Monday, August 12, 2013

Natural Juices to Cleanse Your Body

The natural juices are perfect way to cleanse your body because they are absorbed very quickly, for less than 15-30 minutes, and help your organism to unload all dangerous accumulated substances. The regular drinking of fresh natural juices made by both vegetables and fruits can improve your digestive system and reduce your constipation to minimum. They are also great way to fight against different health issues and stimulate the functioning of your whole body. Check below several types of natural juices and what exactly their beneficial action is.
Carrot juice
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Carrot juice is considered to be among the most useful vegetable juices. It is rich in vitamins and trace elements and can be perfectly combined with other vegetables and fruits. It energizes the body, promotes good digestion, supports the kidneys, enhances immunity, improves functions of the nervous and hormonal systems. Carrot juice is useful for all people who want to cleanse the kidneys, liver and gall bladder. It also has a positive effect on the gut.

Apple juice
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Apple juice contains low calories and a lot of iron, helps for the removal of stones from the kidney. Apples are rich in pectin, which purifies the body from slag and help a lot if you are constipated. Apple juice strengthens the cardiovascular system and displays the heavy metals from the body. It contains fruit acids that reduce the aging of the cells.

Celery juice
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Celery juice is rich in trace elements (sodium, magnesium, iron), which are particularly useful for the blood. Celery juice increases the overall tone of the body and it has great diuretic and laxative effect. For this reason it is particularly suitable for persons with impaired metabolism, and those who feel a lack of energy.

Pumpkin juice
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Pumpkin juice cleanses the kidneys and bladder, stimulates their work, removes the excess fluid from the body and eases urination. Pumpkin juice is rich in vitamins (especially beta-carotene), minerals, and organic acids. It contains little cellulose, which makes it very useful for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin in celery juice derived the excess cholesterol from the body.

Spinach juice
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Spinach juice acts primarily on the entire digestive tract. Spinach contains high amounts of vitamins C and E.

Cabbage juice
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Many people define cabbage juice as the perfect natural laxative remedy against obesity. It’s also recommended for duodenal ulcer, constipation, skin rashes. Cabbage juice is rich in various vitamins, enzymes and salts.

Beet juice
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Beet juice is the most precious juice when it comes to cleansing the blood, kidney, liver and gall bladder. Beet juice is also recommended to lower blood pressure, and prevention of various cardiovascular diseases. It is also useful in menstrual disorders, and during menopause.

Citrus fruits juices
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The orange juice is among the most popular citrus juices and in combination with grapefruit and lemons its useful benefits are greatly increased. All citrus fruits have a cleansing and activation effect.

Include the above natural cleansing juices in your diet and you’ll cleanse your organism and get rid of constipation and other digestive system problems really quickly and effectively. Check the blog for other useful tips and recipes and you’ll increase your metabolism and get in top condition for sure.



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