Monday, August 8, 2011

Top Natural Laxatives Against Constipation

It is always great to use top natural laxatives against constipation when you experience that unpleasant problem. When you are getting older, your metabolism needs a little bit help in order to function properly. Therefore, constipation is common problem which you have to overcome in the best possible manner. And do not worry, it is not only you suffering from that awful feeling. Many people across the globe experience it daily, so be sure that it is not any obvious sign for upcoming illness.

Most of the people just do not know how bad constipation can impact their lives. Once they realize that, they always search for the top natural laxatives against constipation. Check out below some of the best of them and apply them as quick constipation relief.

There are many foods that have laxative action. You just have to add the top natural laxative foods against constipation in your daily menu and you will be able to get rid of that unpleasant feeling using the power of nature. These foods are your best option, because they also have many other valuable health benefits and properties which will improve your condition for sure.

The top natural laxatives against constipation are foods which are rich in fiber. You have to consume food that contains soluble fiber. It is much better that the insoluble one, because it eases the stool in the intestines and helps the intaken food to go through easier than usual. Fiber which is considered insoluble is really hard to be digested, so stay away from such foods, because they will only make your condition worse than before. It will keep the original form and go all the way through your body without any change.

One of the top natural laxatives against constipation are prunes and prunes juice. They contain really a lot of good fiber and also a lot of iron, potassium and vitamin A. So, just have several prunes or 2-3 glasses of prune juice daily and you will be able to get rid of constipation without any doubt.

There is also a number of different fruits and vegetables which are known as top natural laxatives against constipation. The list includes figs, coconut, watercress, grapes, apricots, avocados, soybeans and rhubarb. For example, rhubarb is rich in many natural chemicals which have proven laxative properties. Therefore, many people rely on it to ease their pain and situation. Just be careful when you consume rhubarb. Try to eat it in moderate quantity. You have to be sure that if you add any of the foods above in your daily diet and eat them at least twice every day, you will be able to get rid of constipation faster than you can imagine.

The best way to consume these top natural laxatives against constipation is in raw form. You can even eat the peelings of these fruits and vegetables, there is also many useful substances in the peel.

Another top natural laxative against constipation are the whole grains. They also contain a lot of healthy fiber and will improve the function of the digestive tract and soften the stool. If you still wonder which are these foods, then think about many cereals which you can find in your local store or just read the label and find "whole grain" on it. If you want to get rid of constipation, then you should have at least 4-5 meals containing whole grains every day.

Other top natural laxatives against constipation are seed like psyllium and flaxseed. Psyllium husks is probably the most famous and used seed against this unpleasant problem. The secret is in the gel which they have, natural substance named mucilage. Mucilage swells when you add water to it and it just suck the water into it. That way it softens the stool and relieves the constipation pain as it goes through the whole intestinal tract.

Flaxseed, or also known as linseed, has the same action and properties like psyllium husks.Using flaxseed you will greatly reduce the affect of constipation and you will be able to enjoy awesome improvement just after several applications. So, the choice is yours, flaxseed or psyllium husks. You should visit your doctor just before any treatment with these fantastic remedies. Just in case, make sure that they will not harm your health if you suffer from any major diseases. If you feel increasing dizziness, then it will be better if you stop using these natural laxatives for a while.

Licorice is another top natural laxative herb against constipation. It is also rich in mucilage and has the same beneficial effect as the above mentioned herbs. Just be careful when you use it if you suffer from high blood pressure. Then just avoid it to use it for a prolong period of time.

Olive oil is also top natural laxative against constipation. Just drink half a cup and you will feel its beneficial action for sure. It is harmless for your body and contains many other useful substances which will improve your health in general.

Do not forget that during constipation you have to be more active person. Try to walk, run or visit the gym at least once every day. It will help you to improve your digestive tract and metabolism. Water is essential part in our lives and if you want to get rid of constipation you have to keep your body hydrated. The intestines require a lot of water to keep the stool soft and pinable. If your body lack of water, then the whole process will be really hard. So, just drink a lot of water every day and you will help your organism to fight against constipation.

These are just some of the top natural laxatives against constipation. There are many other foods and herbs that posses great laxative properties. So, you always have more than 10 options to choose from. Find the most suitable for you food and eat it every day. It will definitely help you to get rid of constipation forever.

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