Thursday, December 17, 2015

Relieving Constipation At Home

Constipation is a condition where a person is not eliminating on a regular (daily) basis. The stools are usually hard and dry. This condition makes them very difficult and painful to pass. While some doctors will tell their patients that it’s “normal” to eliminate only once or twice a week, it is my opinion that those who are not moving their bowels daily will be more prone to other health diseases.

Constipation is a sign that your organism suffers and you are risking not only your digestive and intestinal system. Relieving constipation at home is not hard task, so read on all useful tips and make your bowel move regularly.

Constipation originates in the colon, the organ responsible for processing waste and absorbing water and nutrients from our food. A healthy colon will absorb most of the water and nutrients efficiently, leaving only waste behind to pass comfortably as stool. However, constipation will increase if absorption of fluids is really high or if the colon’s muscle contractions are irregular, slow or powerless to force they remaining waste out of your system

The most common cause of constipation is an unhealthy diet, especially one that is low in fiber and high in fat, sugar and processed foods. Not drinking adequate water can also contribute to irregularity, as can certain medications, lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle in general. On the more serious end of the spectrum, long-term constipation can lead to various health conditions such as hemorrhoids, obesity, varicose veins and even colon cancer.

Clean Your Colon Instead Of
Downing Laxatives
In some cases an increase in water intake, fiber and exercise will help alleviate constipation. But you’ve probably heard some of this from your doctor already as he was sending you home with a prescription for laxatives. Cleansing your colon on a regular basis will help process foods more efficiently and ensure regular bowel movements. A thorough colon cleanser will work to eliminate debris from your digestive tract safely and effectively, preventing any further build-up that might lead to constipation.

Some natural laxatives along with a healthy diet, adequate water and exercise, is an excellent way to help relieve constipation. Its effective yet gentle system helps break down toxic build up, clearing the digestive tract over time and keeping the flow of materials smooth.
What You Can Do At Home
Changing one's lifestyle can go a long way towards relieving constipation at home:
  • Exercising regularly, especially if you have an office job or one which requires a lot of sitting, is something just about anyone can do. Try to commit yourself to walking, biking, swimming or engaging in any other physical activity that you enjoy, at least 3-5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes at a time. If you can do more than this, all the better! The main thing is to get moving.

  • The next step is to change your diet to include plenty of healthy, high-fiber foods which will promote regularity. Beans, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as premium quality fiber supplements will help maintain regular bowel movements by softening the stool and making it bulkier. At the same time, eliminate (or reduce) white flour products, processed foods, red meat and sweets as much as possible.

  • And last but certainly not least, drinking six to eight glasses of water a day will aid in softening your stool and improve the regularity of your bowel movements. 100% fruit juice works quite well too, but it should be consumed in addition to the water and not instead of it. Stay away from caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and soft-drinks, as well as alcohol, which can make constipation worse as they have a diuretic effect. They can cause a mild state of dehydration by flushing fluids out of your body, thus leading to harder stools that are much more difficult to eliminate.

Relieving constipation at home is effective only when you are focused and strict. Some fitness programs will add additional power to your constipation relief journey too.

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